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Monday, July 25, 2011

Horse Training for Shoeing

Does your horse throw a fit every time a farrier attempts to trim or shoe it? Do you feel embarrassed and like a novice horseman because you don't know how to train your horse to stand in a self controlled and disciplined manner for shoeing? Are you having trouble finding a farrier because of your horse's behavior? Or are you a farrier who feels inadequate because you don’t know how to make an unruly horse stand still? WELL START FEELING BETTER BECAUSE YOU HAVE JUST CONNECTED WITH A WEBSITE THAT IS DEDICATED TO HELPING YOU SOLVE THE PROBLEM!

There is an old western adage that states "No Feet, No Horse." This is of course simply to say that if you are unable to keep your horse's feet in good condition and are consequently unable to use him, then you may as well not have the horse. But what happens when we are confronted by the horse that does not want to have its feet worked on?

Few things are more embarrassing for the horse owner, frustrating for the horseshoer, and traumatic for the horse, than the unruly and often dangerous behavior of a horse that is determined not to let you work on its feet. Every farrier has been confronted by horses that attempt to get rid of him by such vicious behavior as:

*Leaning *Kicking *Striking *Spinning *Biting *Laying down *Rearing *Balking

The majority of farriers are not disposed to handle these problems: after all they get paid for trimming and shoeing, their time is valuable, and not that many of them are corrective behavior horse trainers. What then is the horse owner to do? Well, this site is devoted to answering that question!

My name is Larry Fox. I am an retired professor, trainer and farrier. When I retired from horse shoeing I wanted to provide horsemen and women with a book on how to train their horses to stand in a relaxed and self controlled manner while having their feet (the horses' feet that is) worked on. But I was unable to find any such book, so I wrote one; and to this day I believe that my book "No Feet, No Horse" is the only one of its kind that solely addresses the problem of how to correct the bad behavior that a horse may exhibit during trimming and shoeing.

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